Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Guess What: I'm Taller Than You

You guys have probably all heard me say that at least once, it might not have been directed at you (in fact chances are it was probably aimed at Erin) and as random/dumb that, that fact may be I constantly repeat it over and over and over again. Similarly, if you're taller than me it's not uncommon for me to stand on random things in order to make me taller than you. Most of you may write it off as just an odd part of my personality. *coughallpartsofmypersonalityareoddcough* But this actually has some reasoning behind it. See I didn't always care whether or not I was taller than people, in fact if you look back at me in elementary school and middle school almost everyone was taller than me, and you know what? Not one fuck was given about that fact. That is until my friend Mike and I started talking again. (so yes if my "I'm taller than you" fun fact gets annoying you can go blame him)

Who is Mike you may ask? No one special really, he and his siblings went to the same elementary school as me and Mary Kate, and when Mary Kate transferred out so did Mike's family. Mike had always been taller than me in elementary school (then again who wasn't? *coughpatrickcough*)

When Mike transferred I didn't really talk to him anymore because, unlike with Mary Kate, he wasn't the one person I spent every single weekend with, so I didn't see him again until middle school after I transferred into a public school towards the end of 6th grade. By this point we'd both grown a lot since the last time we saw each other, but one thing stood out, I was now taller than him.

Mike proceeded to spend the next 6 years (the remaining 2 years of middle school and all 4 years of high school) playing a seemingly never ending game of "Kim am I taller than you yet?" with me.

Fun fact: that last picture is from the same day our friend Chris set his pants on fire in class...

Anyways, after a while I started to get this silly idea in my head that I was really tall and I'd probably never meet anyone taller than me...ever...

And then high school hit >.>

Of course freshman year it didn't matter, I actually attempted to fit in at my own high school that year and I was taller than most of the people I hung out with, Mike also continued to play the "am I taller than you?" game.

And Sophomore year was relatively the same...until one Tuesday late in the second semester in which this happened:

You guys remember that right? (3rd story lol, really old picture) Well anyways, after that day I started to notice something...something along the lines of...

And of course that lead me down the dangerous and annoying path of "am I taller than you yet?" Except me being me...I'm a little more aggressive about it. >.>

You get the point XD

Anyways as time went by Mike came around to play the "am I taller than you?" game less and less, and I started to play it more with my taller friends feeling content and safe due to the fact that I was sure Mike would always be shorter than me. Then graduation day came, and Mike wanted to play the game one last time. Can you guess who won?

If you guessed me, you were wrong. However if you guessed Mike fuck you for having no faith in my height abilities congrats you win!

And yeah, so ever since then I've been taking my victories as they come, small as they may be, and I still attempt to be taller than those that I know I will never be taller than. Have a nice day. :3

Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Crazy Family: Cousins

Chances are if you're friends with me, you've heard me tell at least one or two stories about my family. Like "the time Ange and I broke 5 vases" or "the time my cousin Ali accidentally jammed a guys finger in a really intense game of spoons." Well this time around, I'm going to tell you those stories and more. Probably more than you ever wanted to know about my family. ^^; So to start this off we'll start with the cousins on my mom's side.

This picture serves as an age chart and a height chart, isn't that great?! :D Notice how Anthony is the only guy on this side of the family? Yeah he resents that, very much so. That would be mine and Katie's fault, we'll get to that later though. Beth's off in her own little corner because she's not even related to anyone on my mom's side of the family besides Katie but I mean I have met her before so I feel guilty leaving her out. ^^; Plus she's part of one of these stories...actually let's start with hers. So Beth and Katie have the same dad and so Katie would see her pretty much every other weekend, but one time her dad thought it would be a great idea for her to go to Katie's house one weekend because he wanted her to become friends with Ange and Anth...and to a lesser extent me because I was kind of a permanent fixture in their house. Here's how that went...

So yeah...Kim kills another plan WOOT! She seemed really nice though. :3

Now, even though I spend most of my time with my mom's family hanging around Ange and Anth, I'm sort of tied to my three older cousins Tanya, Monika, and Katie. This is because we lived with our grandparents at the same time for extended periods of time.

Re-using pictures, like a boss. Katie was the only one who ever stayed there for a year straight. Tanya and Monika were in and out every couple of months and the time they spent there added up to about 3 years. And then me...I officially lived there for 2 months but when my parents were busy I'd end up there or at Ange and Anth's house (but that wasn't until I got older)

Tanya and Monika had some pretty...special adventures while living at our grandparents' house. One adventure in particular sticks out.

It was pretty much stuck there for the rest of the day, and because Monika was known for the "my dog ate my homework" excuse Tanya and Randy (random neighborhood kid) had to vouch for her when she said she got her backpack stuck in the tree...no one knows why Randy's shoe was in the tree in the first place though...

Moving on, since Ange, Anth, and I were born in such a quick succession, the three of us were forced to spend a lot of time together as kids, so that would cause my aunt's house to look a lot like this:

We were pretty violent when we were younger, one fight ended in five broken vases and a remote lodged in the tv. I'm not sure if this is how cousins are supposed to be with each other since they're the only ones even remotely close to my age but this is how we were so I just figured this was normal. Granted our fights were always over something stupid, like the tv or the computer, but I also had this problem when I kinda liked starting fights, I'd bring up something that annoyed them and then the scenes above would happen, here's how that would go down.

Those two things always bothered them because well..I'd never let them forget they happened. ^^; FLASHBACK!!!!

But of course...they have their ace in the hole too...

I think that pretty much covers my mom's side of the family. (for those of you who recall me mentioning a cousin who works at gameworks she's technically my mom's cousin so she's not on here) Time to move to my dad's side of the family. X3

I'm the baby on my dad's side, so to speak. Though ironically my oldest cousin is shorter than me...and everyone else. My dad's side lives in Wisconsin, with the exception of Ben who lives in Minnesota, so I see them all once or twice a year. (it used to be 3 times but after my grandpa died we stopped making our usual family trips to door county in the summer so I see them thanksgiving and fourth of july...sometimes one other third time)

Because I don't really see them much and I don't really know exactly what to say when it comes to them (I don't really know them all that well, I mean I do, but I don't, ya know?) I'll just do an overload of pictures of stuff they've done/I've done with them.

that blue thing is his favorite towel. :3

There's really not much else for me to draw for this...I mean theres the time William and Emily were fighting over who Emily's husband would give his old back pack squirt gun to (William or Emily and her husband's children), there was the time William told us about his marvelous misadventures in military school, the time he got into an argument with his dad over the properties of bleach. I can't really think of anything funny involving Ben since he's not always around. ^^; see I love my dad's side of the family, I just don't see them enough to know many stories to tell about them. Which is ironic because when my dad was a kid he never knew his dad's side of the family and he vowed that any and all of his children would know both parents sides and know them well and...well...he apologized but there's not much he can do about that now anyways, and I'm not mad, I just work hard to get to know them everytime I see them. :3

Anyways, there's one more important part of my family that I'm gonna go over now...the childrens... Here's how it goes. Emily is married and has two kids, Ben is married with no kids, and Tanya is divorced/soon to be remarried with 1 daughter and two soon to be step children. Here's that chart:

Roger was my favorite to draw...not gonna lie...and by draw I mean copy and paste from the last 3 times I used the baby drawing lol. All of Tanya's kids (especially her step son Ian and her daughter Bella) want to come hangout with my friends and I at Ty's house one day. And that conversation always goes the same way. "Why don't we wait till you're about...34 before we do that? Ok?" ^^; I do not want to be held responsible for corrupting them in any way. Ava has already figured out how to eat cake (slam your face right into it, just forsake the fork you don't even want to share that cake with anyone anyways) and I'm so proud of her. :3 I decided I wanted Roger to be a ginger like my cousin Luke is and like my dad was when he was a little kid, so I came up with this plan to just sneak into Em's house every few months to re-dye his hair while he's sleeping. (Nevermind that Em is a light sleeper and it's a 4 hour drive to their house. I can totally pull it off)

Alright well that's about it for this update. I labeled it cousins cause I might talk about other family members later, but for now it's just mah cousins. Hope you enjoyed my crazy family. I know I do lol. ^^;

Monday, February 11, 2013

I have a strange mind

So Eric demanded another update of the blog and at first I said no cause I'm lazy and all, but last night I was driving Kiki and Colleen home from a wonderful adventure filled day, with things like this...

and this...

and this...

Anyways, after all that, I had to drive them home and on the way home we had some very interesting conversations. The first of which was about a time in High School, Colleen estimates it was Junior year, where I was out of school early and I was walking around outside of their school, I know for a fact it wasn't Tuesday (otherwise I would've been there for anime club, but right after everyone got out of school we went to Colleen's house, so we think it might have been Halloween). Anyways I was wandering around outside the school when I spotted Colleen near a window in one of the classrooms...

And of course the first thing that came to mind was to call my mother and ask how much trouble I would get in if I threw my shoe at the window and broke it. Possibly write "Hi Colleen! From Kim." on the shoe so she knew who threw it in there, but of course my mom tried to talk me out of it by saying we'd be sued...

That didn't really stop me from removing my shoe though and contemplating whether I should actually throw it or not. Unfortunately, or fortunately if you're looking at this from my mom's point of view, class ended before I could actually throw the shoe so I was sad.

After this conversation passed and Kiki had been dropped off, Colleen and I had to head in the complete opposite direction so that we could get home, and as we drove we started talking about different movies, old movies, new movies, disney movies, movies that disney really shouldn't be making because we're seriously concerned that episodes 7-9 are going to be twenty times worse than episode 1 HINT HINT!!!!

Anyways, as we're having this conversation I'm constantly changing radio stations which at one point led to me yelling at 87.7 because it wouldn't play Radioactive by Imagine Dragons and "this is why we can't have nice things!" But eventually we landed on a station that was playing Take My Breath Away from Top Gun and so Colleen started telling me how her dad had made a "special" version of the movie where he completely cut out the...that one scene that that song was in...*ahem* so she was a little mortified when she saw that scene when she was older. XP And that turned our conversation to how, seeing certain movies when I was younger, basically ruined them (and other scarier/more sad movies) for me when I was older. Here are some examples...

I'm not saying those movies are boring, but because I watched Titanic when I was 4 I just can't cry during that movie now. Because I walked in on my dad watching Goose die in Top Gun when I was 6 I just don't find it very sad. And well...actually watching Keiichi Maebara beat his two best friends with a bat in the Higurashi live action movie Shrill Cries of Summer isn't as interesting as I thought it would be.

Now here's why all of those scenes were dubbed boring by me and ruined forever.


The movie was pretty boring in comparison to ignoring rules blatantly stated by my parents, grandparents, and my 3 cousins who I was living with at the time. And now I can't cry during it which, in the eyes of my cousin Ange, makes me a monster.

...my dad is really tall just so you know.

As for Higurashi well...

That's all I can update with for now cause I have class and my dog is trying to come downstairs and she's not supposed to cause her leg is injured. not much of a point to this but its an update. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

College in a nutshell, for a Kim at least

Allow me to explain college to you in a series of pictures:
The first two are edited versions of pictures from Hyperbole and a Half: This is why I'll never be an adult. http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/06/this-is-why-ill-never-be-adult.html

the picture says in clockwise order starting from the top left:
"That's my chair fyi, its finally in the room permanently and not stuck under my bed." Nicol my blind roommate of awesome wouldn't let me have it in the room for the longest time.
"Nicol, we've been expecting you." Nicol walked into the room one time when I wasn't supposed to be there and I said that, it scared the shit out of her.
And finally "You can't see it but I'm holding a rabbit/squirrel thing." That's the kind of plushie I was holding.

So yeah, that's college in a nutshell...I hope its ok that I used edited versions of pictures from hyperbole and a half. >.>

Stories of a Hairdresser/Kim's first date

So the other day I was at my hairdresser and we were talking about how her daughter Brooke has her first crush. AWWWWWWWWW!

Anyways Christie, my hairdresser, was saying how her husband is not ok with the fact that one of their daughters is interested in boys at such a young age, and my mom was like "Well when Kim was around her age Jim was saying how he would chaperone her first date. He was going to be James the Chauffeur."

Needless to say, I was reminded of how horrible my first date was....But yeah other than that it was a good day.

Now here's a picture of my friend Kiki and I in a car:

I apologized for the firehydrant comment later, its a reflex to call someone something that they're talking to me about.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy :3

My dad and my uncle Tom celebrated their shared birthday back on April 2, I posted this comic on deviantart that day, but I figured I'd share this lovely comic with my blog now. :3

The End

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

So one time when I was 8, and bored, I made two lists. one list was a list of what I wanted to name my future son, the other was a list of what I wanted to name my future daughter. The daughter list is still MIA, but I found the son list yesterday...I was appauled. Now the names are actually fairly normal names for an 8 year old girl to come up with. But being the 18 year old girl I am now, I have some serious problems with the names on the list, especially names 1 and 2. Now because I have nothing to do until my dad picks me up from campus today so I can do some shopping for my cosplays, I'm going to sit here and write out the list and specifically explain why I wouldn't use these names for my son(s), besides the fact that I might have to explain their namesakes to them and some of them just don't have a good enough reason to be the name of my kid that's gonna come along in the next 10 years or so.

1. Matt (Yes, name number one on my list, that I made when I was 8, EIGHT, is Matt. At the time I knew like...I dunno 2, maybe 3, Matt's. One of them was really cool and the other one was a total douchebag. But the cool one's coolness outweighed the douchebaggery of the second one. Since I've been 8, I've met about 6 other Matt's, 2 of which were actually my friends and one of which carried my books for me a lot after I had fractured my right shoulder...playing tag...>.> ANYWAYS, the reason I can't bare to name my son Matt now is because 1. I know way too many Matt's for it to be healthy at this point. Like my God people choose another name for your sons, God! 2. The 4 Matt's that have had a considerable amount of influence in my life are completely and utterly insane. The first one, the cool Matt who used to live across the street from me, made his sister climb to the top of their swingset, causing her to break her neck, and tried to sell ME to some creepy guy down the block from us. The second one, the douchebag Matt, bullied me for most of elementary school and left me mentally scarred for the rest of my life. The third Matt, the one who would help me carry my stuff, well...to be honest he's actually kinda normal now that I think about it, but since his sisters and I made him the bad guy in one of our comics...I just can't...XD it was funny, not serious at all, can't take the name seriously anymore. And finally number 4, the Matt that I only call Matt occassionally because of Matt number 3 and because everyone calls him by his last name, I have a feeling if that name is used and I tell my son he's partially named after this 4th Matt...yeah I'm pretty sure he'll become convinced he's Batman or something...idk alright? XD)

2. Brandon (Yup, name numero dos was Brandon. At the time I didn't know any Brandon's. I wasn't even entirely sure it was a name. Then I got to freshman year of high school and I met this Brandon in some of my classes. He was a smart, upstanding gentleman and a good example to list as a namesake for any future child...then I met my two friends named Brandon. :P The first one I met is...I'm not saying he's the reason I don't wanna name my kid that but I mean in all honesty talking to my kid, who has the same name as one of my friends is just awkward in general. The second Brandon who's my friend...he's my ex...that'd be really weird to name my kid and it have the same name as my ex, you know? For more explanation on why I don't wanna name my kid after an ex, see Ryan its like...number 11 on the list or something. Edit: Brandon is also the name of my friend Meg's boyfriend...the end.)

3. Gannon (Actually not only did I get this name from the Legend of Zelda, its also the only name on the original list I'm still considering.)

4. Tyler (There's only room for one Tyler in this world, and that's Tyler Houston...as in my friend from Viator with the "Tampico never forget." Or something like that. I DUNNO, I WENT TO PUBLIC SCHOOL! >.<)

5. Peter (Ok so Peter, at the time I made this list I knew one Peter, one, and he was pretty nice and stuff. Also a gentleman, and dare I say classy. But um...as time went on, I got to know more Peter's...some less tolerable than the others. There was one Peter though, that kinda saved the name for me. My friend Erin's little brother Peter. He's awesome! But then I thought "wait...Peter has to be one of the most adorable younger siblings on the planet...also he does seem to have a habit of getting injured either on his own or by people...what if my son ends up like that? I DON'T WANT THE GLASS DOOR TO TRY TO GIVE HIM A FACE MASSAGE!(See Erin's fb profile for statuses on that.)

6. Jeff (Just...no...)

7. Anthony (Well I mean the name was just kinda thrown in cause I thought it was cool, but here's the thing, I've only interacted with about 5 Anthony's on a "ok we're gonna be having more than one conversation in our entire lives." basis, and most of them were not so good. For one, I have a cousin named Anthony, he and I are pretty close...now...when we were younger we had absolutely nothing in common so we either didn't talk or we fought with eachother, then the show Xiaolin Showdown came around and we bonded, when it was canceled we stopped talking again. We weren't extremely close until I dated a guy who had gone to middle school with him that he didn't exactly like or trust, and over this past summer he spent a lot of time planning people's deaths for me, even though I told him not to but whatevs. Two Anthony's bullied me for most of elementary school adding to the mental scarring caused by Matt #2 and others. One is my cousin's ex husband who has done some terrible things that I'm not allowed to talk about on the interwebz :3 and one is another person who I refer to by last name, he's like a little bro to me. All in all, considdering only 2 out of 5 of the Anthony's I talk(ed) to on a regular basis are nice...that name can go bye bye.)

8. Chris (whenever I think of the name Chris I think of a really tall and skinny guy obsessed with screamo music...basically my college friend XD)

9. Sean (I haven't had any bad experiences with people named Sean, I just don't see a good reason to name my kid Sean, especially when I've already got a buddy named Sean, one's enough kthx.)

10. Danny (Though I do have a very very awesome friend with the name...I also have some very very evil enemies with this name. MENTAL SCARRING!)

11. Ryan (Ryan's a cool name, got a buddy named Ryan that goes to school with Matt #4, Ty, and one of teh Brandon's. It's just again...dated a guy named Ryan...having a kid with the same name as your ex is just awkward. O___O I mean I suppose it doesn't have to be if you don't act like its awkward, but not acting like something is awkward is hard. :P)

12. Mark (I knew a nice kid named Mark from my church, didn't know him when I made the list because the only Mark I really knew was an asshat, but even so I just don't wanna name my kid this.)

13. Dylan (Already have a son (read: friend) named Dylan. He is one of mah bffls! X3)

14. Connor (The origins behind this name are creepy...because you see, I had a friend named Connor who I'd known since I was 3 and I had an extremely obvious crush on him...ask Mk, it was dreafully obvious. DX Oh my God, I mean its still kinda obvious now when I like a guy...and it should be extremely obvious when I don't like a guy (but I won't get into that rant now), but it was worse when I was younger. But I digress, he moved away in the 7th grade so I was like "Oh I can name my son that in his honor." When I found the list, then I was like, wait I'm in contact with him on fb. >.> That was the end of that.)

15. Aaron (I'll confess, when I thought of the name it had no meaning, except for that one singer, but I can't use it now because it has too much meaning...like July 3rd 2005 too much meaning...)

16. Brian (...Uhhhhhhhh...Let's never speak of this again, shall we?)

17. Jack (Jack...I have some friends named Jack...only one of them is sane, he goes to school with Ty and such. One of them thinks he's Captain Planet. One's a twin. One took a picture of him and a friend as they ran through our high school hallway with nothing on but some pizza boxes. And one was not my friend and tortured me for various reasons through all of elementary school.)

18. Mike (Tooo maaaany Miiiiiiiiike's)

19. Cody (The only one I know is the twin of one of the Jack's and he once joined in, on saying I needed to "Flap my wings like a beautiful, graceful, gazelle." O___O)

20. Jeremy (Actually scratch what I said in my Gannon comment, this name is still on the list. I only know two Jeremy's well and one of them was cute and nice. X3)

So then, after I found this list I burned it...the end...>.>