Thursday, December 1, 2011

Adventures in the dorm room

So yea, as previously stated, I'm in college and living in a dorm. This is the first time in a not a long time, this is the first time in FOREVER that I don't have to follow my parents rules. To be honest, I LOVE it. I can do whatever I want in the dorm room. (provided its not illegal, against dorm rules, and doesn't piss off Nicol.)

Anyways, with this new freedom I suppose there should be new responsibility, but there really isn't. I'm basically doing the same chores I did when I was living at home. HOWEVER! I now have more free time to do the things I want to do without risking my parents walking in and seeing embarrassing things. Ok that probably sounds wrong but I'm talking about dancing and practicing gymnastics...ok that still sounds wrong! >.< PICTURE TIME!

ahhhh yessir...only in Illinois...only in Illinois. XD anyways, one of my less than brilliant plans was to practice dive rolls in the room last night while my roommate was out...ehehehe...not my best idea. BUT IN MY DEFENSE LYNN WAS THERE AND SHE DIDN'T STOP ME! you think I was gonna do a dive roll to the right, towards Nicol's desk, or to the left, towards the wall...if you chose towards Nicol's desk, you'd be right...unfortunately. :P I ended up hitting my head on the desk and needing a band aid on my forehead. From this incident, a status was born.

so...let this be a lesson to you gymnastics inside a DORM ROOM!!!

and yes, that is a hello kitty band aid...I'm that cool. XD