Monday, February 20, 2012

Cosplays! X3

So I know I just updated yesterday, but what can I say, I'm on a blogging and anime convention high right now. Let's take a moment to review all of my past cosplays cause I can! :3

I know cosplays aren't everyone's thing, ecpecially my cosplays cause they suck, so if you don't wanna read this then you should gtfo. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! <3

So there were literally no pictures of my first cosplay, but I was Miyuki Takara from Lucky Star. :3
I cosplayed as her for amke 2009 and acen 2009. Twas fun but it was kind of a fail, hence no pictures.

My next cosplay was Namine from Kingdom Hearts 2, which only lasted for amke 2010, however I will be cosplaying as her again some other time.

My next cosplay after that was Blue (or Green) from Pokemon Adventures. That was used at acen 2010, amke 2011, and acen 2011. It might be used again at acen 2012.

After I did that cosplay, I was Kagura Sohma for amke 2012. :3 (and my friend Bartell was Kyo)
Can you tell that as my cosplays went on I got more pictures of them? XD Surprisingly...or not surprisingly as I should say, the one outfit I actually had the most pictures taken of me in was this one:
That's not even a cosplay, but I'm not going to question. :P I'd hope it was the fact that I was wearing a wig, but I wore a wig for the Namine cosplay and there weren't that many pictures of that cosplay at all.

I'm doing one of my dream cosplays this acen, Dead Master from Black Rock Shooter...I'm gonna need luck for that. ^^;

I'm doing a mix of the OVA outfit and the anime outfit, and by that I mean I'm doing the OVA outfit, but I'm wearing my glasses cause I'ma lazy. XD

So because I have no other way to end this other than the thing I deleted a few minutes ago, which was just me raging at ERIC FOR BEING AN IMPATIENT MEANIE FACE! (love you) *ahem* I would like whoever decides to commen to say what they think of my cosplays or cosplaying in general, stuff they cosplayed or will cosplay, and yea.

Btw, Eric do the Leon and America cosplays soon or you're going to die.


  1. if u want, i can make u a list of possible cosplays like i did for colleen and sarah. i think u need to expand ur horizons a bit :P

    1. um i guess sure...i mean i already have a binder filled with cosplays that i was planning but you could add some if you want.

  2. haha ok then. i'll probably end up listing everything u already have
