Thursday, December 1, 2011

Adventures in the dorm room

So yea, as previously stated, I'm in college and living in a dorm. This is the first time in a not a long time, this is the first time in FOREVER that I don't have to follow my parents rules. To be honest, I LOVE it. I can do whatever I want in the dorm room. (provided its not illegal, against dorm rules, and doesn't piss off Nicol.)

Anyways, with this new freedom I suppose there should be new responsibility, but there really isn't. I'm basically doing the same chores I did when I was living at home. HOWEVER! I now have more free time to do the things I want to do without risking my parents walking in and seeing embarrassing things. Ok that probably sounds wrong but I'm talking about dancing and practicing gymnastics...ok that still sounds wrong! >.< PICTURE TIME!

ahhhh yessir...only in Illinois...only in Illinois. XD anyways, one of my less than brilliant plans was to practice dive rolls in the room last night while my roommate was out...ehehehe...not my best idea. BUT IN MY DEFENSE LYNN WAS THERE AND SHE DIDN'T STOP ME! you think I was gonna do a dive roll to the right, towards Nicol's desk, or to the left, towards the wall...if you chose towards Nicol's desk, you'd be right...unfortunately. :P I ended up hitting my head on the desk and needing a band aid on my forehead. From this incident, a status was born.

so...let this be a lesson to you gymnastics inside a DORM ROOM!!!

and yes, that is a hello kitty band aid...I'm that cool. XD

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friends from other places: Lynn

So...not quite sure how this happened, but one day I woke up and I kind of became aware of an Island in between England and Ireland known as the Isle of Man. (actually I do know how, it's cause I was reading Hetalia Axis Powers and I wanted to find a place that didn't have a character yet.) Anyways, my mom has a co-worker at her office who's from England, but his niece lived on the Isle of Man for most of her life.

So my mom comes home from work that day and tells me that Lynn, that's her co-worker's niece, was going to be staying in America for the second semester of her senior year of high school. I wasn't exactly excited about it, but I wasn't complaining either. I mean I'd met Lynn once or twice when we were younger, but I wasn't really sure how to react because I didn't really know her too well.

Anyways, the night Lynn got into town was a very boring and snowy January night, and even though she was going to be staying with her uncle and his family she was hanging out at my house for a few hours before she went to their house to get settled. Lynn was an odd looking one, from her constantly changing eyecolor (thank you color changing contacts) to the...odd way she did her hair. (she had two pigtails and one was obviously shorter than the was weird)

Our conversations were awkward at first, neither of us really knew what to say or ask. So as the two of us sat awkwardly in my room staring in random directions I decided to go onto facebook and add Lynn. This is where Lynn surprised me for the first time, she told me she didn't have a facebook. When I asked her why she said it was because she thought it was a pointless website, so what did we spend the next 20 minutes doing? making Lynn a facebook lol.

After 20 minutes of playfully mocking eachother while making Lynn's facebook and editing mine, we started talking about friends, more specifically my friends. Lynn seemed amused by my stories of anime club and stories from my school. She told me that back home, school was really boring for her. The reason she had been sent out here to finish her senior year was that back home she had a serious boyfriend and she had been planning to drop out of high school early and go marry him. So her parents thought that they could stop that from happening if they separated her and her boyfriend by an ocean, and maybe a change in scenery wouldn't just change her opinion about finishing high school but it would also make her want to go to college, which she was dead set against.

Before I could say anything to that my mom called us downstairs because Lynn's uncle had gotten to the house and Lynn had to leave. As the weeks went by Lynn was doing fine at her new school academically but I was still her only friend here technically. Like I said, I'd only met Lynn a few times when we were children, but this Lynn the one who wasn't trying too hard to make friends here definitely wasn't the same Lynn I'd met so many years ago. But the more I thought about it the more I realized that I really wasn't the same Kim either.

I really admire Lynn, she was able to calmly talk me through a ton of things and she was blunt, she would never beat around the bush when explaining things to me. If I was wrong or I had done something stupid she would tell me right away. Her perfect cursive handwriting covers most of my senior year assignment notebook, taunting me and telling me to get over myself in certain situations, grow a backbone in others, and to just stop complaining.

Yes, in case you were wondering, Lynn is holding an airsoft gun to my head as I write this. But if it wasn't for Lynn (and Alex, Mary Kate, Eric, Devins, and a few of my other friends) I totally would have lost my mind this past summer.

You can learn alot from your friends, I'm glad I got a chance to reconnect with Lynn. For the record, she's still in America, but she's not in college and she's engaged to her boyfriend from the previous year. Looks like even a whole ocean couldn't change her that much. I'm glad. :3


So as you should probably know by now, and if you don't that's probably an epic fail on my part, I'm a college freshman. Let me say this right now, college is everything I thought it would be and more...and that's not always a good thing. (warning from this point on you will see stick figures of people that I've never drawn as stick figures they'll probably suck. ^^; also chances are they won't exactly match the person they're supposed to be.)

For starters I have 8 a.m. classes everyday, and I thought it would be easy because I had to get up early all the time in high school...but...well then I remembered that I hate being woken up. As a result, my mom calls me every morning to make sure I'm up AND my roommate even has to argue with me to get me out of the room sometimes.

Speaking of my roommate, she and I have a whiteboard on our door that people like to write on...and sometimes the stuff they write is less than appropriate. (still funny as hell though)

Back to the topic of classes though, I really have to give a round of applause to my friend Jennifer in my history class. Sometimes I'll fall asleep in class or sometimes she'll fall asleep in class, but we do compare notes afterwords.

This is the first time where I've been separated from friends such as Mary Kate, Alex, Colleen, Jess, and Eric who I've known forever. It's also the first time I've been away from the rest of my anime club friends for an elongated period of time. Friends such as Devins, Ty, and Brittany who I used to feel really close to in relation to distance, now seem very very far away.

And since most of my friends from high school don't go to my college, with the exception of my friends Callie, Chelsea, and Nicol, I had to make all new friends this school year.

Most of my new friends, with the exception of about 2 or 3, are in my freshman year seminar class. FYS for short. We're learning about world music...well supposed to be learning about world music. :P

The very first good friend I made in my fys class is my friend Rachel. I pretty much spent the first two days of orientation not talking to anyone from my group so when Rachel joined orientation late on the third day I started talking to her. I'm not sure why but I was less scared to talk to her than I was to talk to anyone else.
I have a way with words don't I?

But have no fear, I did manage to make other friends...I'm just not so close to them yet, but I'm working on it. :3 I'm finally starting to open up to them and act like I do when I'm with my friends from anime club...whether that personality will drive my college friends to insanity is...debatable...hopefully it doesn't. ^^;

Anyways, my friends from fys and I usually meet in this place called the roost and have lunch together before class, sometimes we'll play ping pong (well really them, I don't play cause I can't play for shit) and other times we'll be sitting there doing homework.

yea...those two pictures are examples of someone not looking like themself....technically in all pictures of me I don't look like myself...and Ty from the other stories has messed up hair. But I digress.

Well anyways, the way that we all know to meet in the roost is that everyday our friend Amanda texts us with some variation of the sentence "11:30 roost yo." The other day Amanda and I sat there and texted eachother different sounds that animals make.
There now Amanda looks like herself...kinda..idk I think I failed on her too abit. I have a few other friends I'd like to talk about, but this already went on for awhile. So more friends later when I decide to talk more about my fys class. Until then I think you have a pretty good idea of what my college life is like.

I love it here. :3

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Anime Club

So every Tuesday I forsake my college student status and return to my friends' high school for their anime club...that's right, I go to a high school that wasn't mine for anime club.

that's supposed to say even not eve lol. too lazy to go back and change it.

Anyways, interesting stories always happen because of these anime club visits. My "little sis" Brittany and I make our usual stop at the vending machine so we can have a talking time...

However the vending machine is known to not ever...

Then we'll usually watch some anime, right now we're on FLCL

And then there are those...special moments we have in club...

other things happen too, like last time our friend Tristan kept saying I hated him and I kept telling him I didn't. Then it eventually got to the point where I was ranting to another friend about it and his only comment after all of my intellegent ranting was that my chest looked larger than normal in the shirt I was wearing. -_-

And at the very end of club we all party near Ty's cube...

We usually blast dubstep with the doors open. The anime club is all full of insane people, and those insane people are some of my best friends. :3

Fake baby tiem!!!!

Before I graduated high school there was one requirement I had to fill...E. Consumerism, econ for short. To be completely honest, I still have no idea what that is because I took an econ equilivilant course known as Marriage and Family.

Marriage and Family was a fun class, basically all we did was have a mock wedding...

learn how to pay off bills, balance checks, and well...fill out a check in general...

And finally, there were the fake babies...oh yes...the fake babies. I named mine Lydia Lena Mae (insert my last name here) but she was more famously called "the demon child"

That baby ended up being hell, In the first two days I had it I didn't get an ounce of sleep. Not to mention that I took it home on a holiday weekend, so instead of having it for 3 days and 2 nights I had it for 4 days and 3 nights.

By the third day I was dead tired and I was pissed. I really really just wanted to rip out the damn thing's batteries and be done with it. Well anyways, my friend/cousin Eric was having people over at his house the third day I had the baby. Needing some time with my friends I decided to go even though I knew I'd have to bring the demon child with.

Eric understood why I needed the baby there, but Ty and Devins thought it was quite funny...I swear to God I should have slapped them. Jenny was very understanding of the fake baby too.

For awhile the baby was silent, Eric said that I should have kept the baby in his sister's room but I really didn't want the demon child scaring his sister, his cat, or his dogs.

Finally the baby cried and it needed to be fed and have its diaper changed. After that it started crying again for no reason. It didn't want anything, it was just crying. Damn those accurate robots...

So anyways dead tired me I just rolled over on my side and stared in the other direction...for 10 never stopped. Jenny and Devins covered their ears and Eric and Ty were unaffected. I stood up and walked away, when I came back it was still crying.

Then it happened...Ty punted the baby...not intentionally but he kinda tripped over it and made it cry more.

yea...I still passed the assignment cause my teachers (we had two teachers for the class) loved me...but I'll be damned if I ever do that assignment again. :P

Meeting two very special friends

Making friends is an essential part of our lives. And it also becomes easier with each friend you make. Friends are special people...but my friends are more special than anyone legit we should probs get some of these people checked out special.

Now that may sound mean, however they will agree and even say that I should probs be checked out too. I'm going to take this time to show you what meeting two of my friends was like.

My absolute best friend forever is my friend Mary Kate who I met when I was 5.
we've been best friends ever since lol. If it wasn't for how close we are I probably would have never met my friend Ty in the way I met him. Sophomore year of high school I walk into anime club for the first time...Mary Kate runs and Hugs me, a few seconds later Ty does the same thing. next thing I know I'm on the floor in pain.

Despite the weirdness of that meeting...I've made friends in weirder ways...But despite our weird meetings and sometimes getting off on the wrong foot, I love those guys. :3 They still need to get checked out though lol.

Parents of a Kim...and their weird rules

Parents, everyone has them. My parents happen to be the crazy over protective a weird way that is. But they weren't always like that. When I was a kid and we lived in a more rual part of Illinois where there were barely any people, they let me do what ever the hell I wanted to do.

I could get up, be half dressed and run across the street to my friend's house and they wouldn't care.

frequently my friends and I could be found inside the tall grass, that existed behind their house, without parental supervision. Dead mouse or empty beer bottle in hand.

When we moved away from that area and into a more populated area my parents decided that they had let me be too free in our old town and from that point on decided I wasn't allowed to do anything without their permission an they had to drive me everywhere...also they didn't allow me to wear overalls anymore.

As time went on and I made friends, they loosened up a bit. One friend had their absolute trust, my best friend Mary Kate, and I was frequently allowed to go to her house on weekends and sometimes even after school during the school day.

My parents still had some odd quirks though, I wasn't allowed to watch "Ed, Edd, n Eddy" for whatever reason, and even though I had known  my friend Connor longer than I had known Mary Kate, they rarely let me go over to his house for whatever reason.

After awhile I started to ignore their strange over protective ways and accepted it as normal. No cereal unless it was morning? Got it. If I go to Mary Kate's house late at night on the weekend I have to sleepover? Sure. But then their rules got...odd.

Well...more odd than me not being able to wear overalls anymore. See every year I go to this anime convention called Anime Central, acen for short. My parents let me spend 3 nights at my friend Ty's house when they knew that it was mostly guys including my now ex boyfriend, however I couldn't stay for one night at my friend's house because her brother, who was my age, was going to be in the room next door...O.o

Also they were...and still are very weird about me using the car...

So all in all my parents are crazy, they have weird rules, and they get more protective of me each day...but we have interesting I'll keep them around for now. :3

The yell of a Kim

So...shyness, everyone's dealt with that at some point. Ever since I was a little kid I've had a fear of speaking in front of a large group of people. When I'm around my close friends I develop a happy, hyper, and slightly loud personality. But to people who don't know me very well, the very idea of having a personality like that is...odd.

You'd think that being a college student would mean that I've grown out of my shyness, but you my friend would be wrong. I still try to refrain from speaking as much as possible. So much so that whenI'm called on in my classes at school at least one of my friends will jokingly say "Leave Kim alone!" as I sink lower and lower into my seat.

There was one time though, when I had the courage to say something loud in front of a class...well more yell than say.

When I was in 8th grade I was in the same homeroom as the student council president. One day she had to give an announcement to the class but no matter how hard she tried no one would shut up.

Now I was shy and quiet so normal I wouldn't say or do anything to stop them from talking, however the incessant chattering was pissing me off and I was already in the front of the room cause I had needed to blow my nose.

I took a deep breath, walked foreward, and screamed for everyone to shut up.

After that the entire class went silent. Because of the silence I was shocked back into my quiet and shy state, suddenly concerned with what they would think of me. I stared at my class in fear and they all stared back. I nervously asked if I said something wrong, and when no one responded I looked at my feet a started to head back to my desk.

To my surprise and joy the entire class errupted into a thunderous applause, and though I went back to my quiet and shy self the day did boost my canfidence a bit. :3