Friday, November 4, 2011


So as you should probably know by now, and if you don't that's probably an epic fail on my part, I'm a college freshman. Let me say this right now, college is everything I thought it would be and more...and that's not always a good thing. (warning from this point on you will see stick figures of people that I've never drawn as stick figures they'll probably suck. ^^; also chances are they won't exactly match the person they're supposed to be.)

For starters I have 8 a.m. classes everyday, and I thought it would be easy because I had to get up early all the time in high school...but...well then I remembered that I hate being woken up. As a result, my mom calls me every morning to make sure I'm up AND my roommate even has to argue with me to get me out of the room sometimes.

Speaking of my roommate, she and I have a whiteboard on our door that people like to write on...and sometimes the stuff they write is less than appropriate. (still funny as hell though)

Back to the topic of classes though, I really have to give a round of applause to my friend Jennifer in my history class. Sometimes I'll fall asleep in class or sometimes she'll fall asleep in class, but we do compare notes afterwords.

This is the first time where I've been separated from friends such as Mary Kate, Alex, Colleen, Jess, and Eric who I've known forever. It's also the first time I've been away from the rest of my anime club friends for an elongated period of time. Friends such as Devins, Ty, and Brittany who I used to feel really close to in relation to distance, now seem very very far away.

And since most of my friends from high school don't go to my college, with the exception of my friends Callie, Chelsea, and Nicol, I had to make all new friends this school year.

Most of my new friends, with the exception of about 2 or 3, are in my freshman year seminar class. FYS for short. We're learning about world music...well supposed to be learning about world music. :P

The very first good friend I made in my fys class is my friend Rachel. I pretty much spent the first two days of orientation not talking to anyone from my group so when Rachel joined orientation late on the third day I started talking to her. I'm not sure why but I was less scared to talk to her than I was to talk to anyone else.
I have a way with words don't I?

But have no fear, I did manage to make other friends...I'm just not so close to them yet, but I'm working on it. :3 I'm finally starting to open up to them and act like I do when I'm with my friends from anime club...whether that personality will drive my college friends to insanity is...debatable...hopefully it doesn't. ^^;

Anyways, my friends from fys and I usually meet in this place called the roost and have lunch together before class, sometimes we'll play ping pong (well really them, I don't play cause I can't play for shit) and other times we'll be sitting there doing homework.

yea...those two pictures are examples of someone not looking like themself....technically in all pictures of me I don't look like myself...and Ty from the other stories has messed up hair. But I digress.

Well anyways, the way that we all know to meet in the roost is that everyday our friend Amanda texts us with some variation of the sentence "11:30 roost yo." The other day Amanda and I sat there and texted eachother different sounds that animals make.
There now Amanda looks like herself...kinda..idk I think I failed on her too abit. I have a few other friends I'd like to talk about, but this already went on for awhile. So more friends later when I decide to talk more about my fys class. Until then I think you have a pretty good idea of what my college life is like.

I love it here. :3

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